Nishtha 3.0 FLN Module 3 - Understanding Learners: How Children Learn? Quiz Answer Key - (2021) - (40 Questions)

Nishtha FLN Module 3 Quiz Answer Key

Today in this article, you will get 40 answers of the assessment quizzes of Nishtha 3.0 FLN Module 3: Understanding Learners: How Children Learn?. Also, stay with us and do subscribe our YouTube Channel Educative Masud in order to get answers to all the assessment quizzes because I'm going to provide you answers to each and every assessment quiz as and when they are available in diksha module.

Nishtha FLN Module 3 Answers

Question: Grouping preference means

Answer: Preferred interaction like working alone, with a partner, in a small/large group

Question: What is meant by ‘interaction with material’?

Answer: Children engage with a range of learning/play material

Question: What are the names of the three ways to predict children’s needs?

Answer: Knowing children’s interest, knowing preferences, knowing learning styles

Question: What is the full form of NCF-2005?

Answer: National Curriculum Framework-2005

Question: A child’s previous learning experiences are derived from

Answer: Everyday experiences they encounter

Question: What is the main feature of the activity/interest areas to ensure safety of the children?

Answer: Accessible from all sides of the classroom

Question: When is a positive correlation seen between the current school work and future academic or career goals of children?

Answer: When children are involved in work that they enjoy

Question: What kinds of material are required for the discovery area?

Answer: Magnifying glasses and magnets

Question: What is the meaning of ‘children learn holistically’?

Answer: Children absorb information from all sources at once

Question: The main purpose of the activity/interest areas is to give children an opportunity to

Answer: Play and participate in events of their choice

Question: What are the four modes of information?

Answer: Visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and tactual

Question: Maximum learning happens when

Answer: All senses are involved in learning

Question: What leads to a child’s different learning styles and the rate of learning?

Answer: Ways to absorb the information, analyse the situation, and make decision

Question: What includes pre-existing interest?

Answer: Child has a strong interest or passion for something

Question: Learning is

Answer: An active, collaborative, and social process

Question: What are the correct examples of activity/interest areas?

Answer: Art, discovery, block, music

Question: What should children do to become active and autonomous learners?

Answer: Be inquisitive, take initiative, be confident, inventive, and reflective

Question: How many types of interaction are there in a classroom?

Answer: Three

Question: What influences most children's preferences to learning?

Answer: Brain wiring, history, gender, and personal experiences

Question: What are the three types of interactions in the classroom?

Answer: Peer interaction, adult interaction, and material interaction

Question: Children with high levels of creative intelligence are

Answer: Frequently divergent thinkers

Question: Children who ask many questions can be

Answer: Inquisitive

Question: Who is the centre of the teaching learning process?

Answer: Children

Question: Access to the natural world beyond the classroom and hands-on experience are the examples of boosting what kind of intelligence?

Answer: Analytical intelligence

Question: What should be done when space is less to arrange all activity/interest areas in the classroom at a time?

Answer: Arrange at least four at a time and rotate/change every 15 days

Question: How many ways are there to predict a child’s needs?

Answer: Three

Question: Being reflective helps children

Answer: Use their prior experiences in dealing with new situations and experiences

Question: What are the correct examples of learning through art?

Answer: Creating body shapes and identifying patterns of movement, etc.

Question: What are the five senses?

Answer: See, taste, touch, smell, hear

Question: What should a teacher do before the start of the learning experiences?

Answer: Discover children’s learning needs

Question: What is meant by ‘interaction with adults’?

Answer: Parents and teachers get involved and support children’s learning

Question: How many senses do we have?

Answer: Five

Question: Once teachers have discovered children’s learning needs, what should they do?

Answer: Tailor the learning plan or the instructional process

Question: What is the term used for ‘hands-on experience’?

Answer: Learning by doing

Question: What includes potential interest?

Answer: Interest to which children have not been exposed and might become strong ones, once exposed

Question: What should be the role of a teacher in the learning of children?

Answer: Facilitator

Question: What do we mean by ‘knowing learning styles’?

Answer: Personal preferences

Question: What is meant by ‘creative intelligence’?

Answer: Addressing ideas and problems in novel and often unexpected ways

Question: When do children learn better?

Answer: When they engage in hands-on activities

Question: What kinds of interests come under ‘knowing children’s interest’?

Answer: Pre-existing interest and potential interest

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