Today in this article, you will get 40 answers of the assessment quizzes of Nishtha 3.0 FLN Module 5: Understanding ‘Vidya Pravesh’ and ‘Balvatika’ (FLN). Also, stay with us and do subscribe our YouTube Channel Educative Masud in order to get answers to all the assessment quizzes because I'm going to provide you answers to each and every assessment quiz as and when they are available in diksha module.
Nishtha 3.0 FLN Module 5 Answers
Question: NEP-2020 advocates that learning of children should be in continuum from
Answer: Preschool to the early primary grades
Question: What term is used for preschool III in NEP-2020?
Answer: Balvatika
Question: What is the full form of FLN Mission?
Answer: Foundational Literacy and Numeracy Mission
Question: How many developmental goals are covered in the development of Vidya Pravesh and Balvatika?
Answer: 3 developmental goals
Question: When should the worksheets be given to the children?
Answer: After children have sufficient opportunities to play with concrete objects or toys and play-based activities
Question: How will continuous assessment given in Vidya Pravesh and Balvatika help teachers?
Answer: Adapt and modify teaching-learning strategies, play material, activity areas
Question: Which components represent language and literacy in its complete form?
Answer: Oral, reading, and writing
Question: What is a teacher expected to do in case there is more than one language as mother tongue/home language?
Answer: Allow as many languages as are in the classroom to be used for expression
Question: What is a portfolio?
Answer: Collection of concrete work sample of each child
Question: Which of the following document is part of the FLN Mission?
Answer: Vidya Pravesh
Question: What kind of material is suggested in Vidya Pravesh and Balvatika?
Answer: Indigenous/locally, low-cost or no-cost material
Question: What is the correct example of phonological awareness?
Answer: Identification of rhyming words
Question: At which stage of life is the brain development rapid?
Answer: Early childhood stage
Question: What is the correct example of balance in activities?
Answer: Teacher-initiated and child-initiated activities
Question: What is the daily duration (in hours) for the implementation of Vidya Pravesh and Balvatika?
Answer: Four hours per day
Question: What is meant by DIY?
Answer: Do It Yourself
Question: The NEP-2020 talks about what kind of intervention to be given in the early grades?
Answer: Lay-based, enquiry based, age and developmentally appropriate
Question: What is the focus of Vidya Pravesh and Balvatika?
Answer: Develop the competencies and concepts to support learning at the preparatory stage
Question: What kind of freedom is given to the teachers with respect to the activities, worksheets and illustrations?
Answer: Modify or contextualise them
Question: For how many terms are the assessment schedules suggested for the assessment and recording of children’s progress?
Answer: Three
Question: What is free play?
Answer: Child-initiated small group activity
Question: What process of assessment is suggested in Vidya Pravesh and Balvatika?
Answer: Continuous and multi-dimensional
Question: Which document is mentioned as level-3 in the FLN Mission Guidelines?
Answer: Balvatika
Question: What are the competencies and concepts covered under the developmental goal 1?
Answer: Self-concept, pro-social behaviour, health, nutrition, hygienic practices, self- protection, motor skills
Question: What is the duration for the implementation of Balvatika?
Answer: 1 year
Question: What is the purpose of transition activities?
Answer: Help children move from one activity to the another
Question: What language should be preferred as a medium of instruction?
Answer: Mother tongue or the language familiar to most children
Question: The main purpose of the activity/interest areas is to give children opportunity for
Answer: Free play
Question: Learning crisis among children of what stage of schooling is mentioned in NEP-2020?
Answer: Primary schools
Question: Among the following, which activities come under the daily/routine activities as per the weekly schedule?
Answer: Greet and meet, circle time and free expression
Question: The activities and worksheets or the learning experiences for Vidya Pravesh and Balvatika should be developed around
Answer: All three developmental goals
Question: What is meant by the weekly schedule?
Answer: Day-wise scheduling of activities to be conducted for a week
Question: Balvatika is meant for the children of what stage of schooling?
Answer: Children in preschool III
Question: What is the specific purpose of Vidya Pravesh and Balvatika?
Answer: Ensure smooth transition of children to the primary grades
Question: What is the age for preschool III?
Answer: 5+
Question: Foundational stage as given in NEP-2020 covers the age group of
Answer: 3 to 8 years
Question: The activities and worksheets or the learning experiences suggested in Vidya Pravesh and Balvatika should be based on
Answer: Competencies and concepts
Question: What is the duration for the implementation of Vidya Pravesh in weeks?
Answer: 12 weeks
Question: Vidya Pravesh is meant for the children of what stage of schooling?
Answer: Children entering Grade I
Question: As per the NEP-2020, the learning crisis points out which two aspects?
Answer: Foundational literacy and numeracy
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