Nishtha 3.0 FLN Module 4 - Involvement of Parents and Communities for FLN Quiz Answer Key - (2021) - (40 Questions)


Nishtha FLN Module 4 Quiz Answer Key - Involvement of Parents and Communities for FLN

Today in this article, you will get 40 answers of the assessment quizzes of Nishtha 3.0 FLN Module 4:  Involvement of Parents and Communities for FLN. Also, stay with us and do subscribe our YouTube Channel Educative Masud in order to get answers to all the assessment quizzes because I'm going to provide you answers to each and every assessment quiz as and when they are available in diksha module.

Nishtha FLN Module 4 Answers

Question: Involving parents in the education of their child will

Answer: Be one important element in the learning and growth of children 

Question: Which of the following methods should be used to educate parents to support children’s learning?

Answer: Keeping formal and informal interactions open to the convenience of parents

Question: Teacher is following a good communication practice if the teacher 

Answer: Acknowledges the note from the parent and adds own comments to facilitate further communication 

Question: What is the primary reason to advocate for collaboration between schools and families? 

Answer: Such collaboration facilitates children’s learning at school and home

Question: The FLN can be enhanced by

Answer: Involving and educating parents in FLN activities

Question: When schools are friendly and welcoming to family members, it is easier to 

Answer: Craft successful partnership programmes

Question: What is the main reason for divide between parents’ expectations and their actual support for the education of children?

Answer: Parents and teachers are not properly oriented on the development of meaningful partnerships

Question: Which of the following is a good practice by the teacher to send regular updates to parents? 

Answer: Diary note

Question: Lack of communication skills and methods on both the sides, parents and school, is one of the major reasons for

Answer: Low response of parents and community

Question: Why the involvement of community is beneficial for the school and children?

Answer: Community has multiple resources, physical, financial and human which can be helpful for schools and the children

Question: When parents involve children in making low cost toys, it helps in the development of 

Answer: Not only creative skills but children also get a sense of proportions and background on spatial and shape concepts

Question: The Lakshya or the Targets for Foundational Literacy and Numeracy  have been stated in four areas

Answer: Oral language, Reading, Writing and Numeracy

Question: Which of the following activities can parents do to enhance children’s story awareness?

Answer: Read aloud

Question: Parents and community members should be involved in the preschool programme through

Answer: Regular communication, workshops, PTMs and Parents’ Conferences

Question: Parents should be made aware of the learning outcomes identified for 

Answer: Different class levels

Question: What are the modes to organise advocacy programmes for the community?

Answer: Media-resources, folk songs, street plays, puppet shows

Question: Which of the following activity has been suggested in the mission guidelines for engaging parents?

Answer: Sharing of assessment results

Question: Demonstrating and doing together art activities with locally available no cost material at home is a/an 

Answer: Engaging activity 

Question: Creating a FLN resource center in the classroom/school for the parents/families will help parents to

Answer: Borrow relevant books/materials to support children’s learning

Question: Foundational language and literacy skills relate to

Answer: Children’s skills related to language, expression, communication, etc

Question: Which of the following is not an activity to promote Foundational Numeracy by the parents at home?

Answer: Tracing along the letter

Question: Parents can find locally available toys and materials, which are not harmful for their child and 

Answer: Make them learn in their own exploratory way

Question: Making Home Environment Print Rich helps parents and families in strengthening the child’s

Answer: Foundational literacy skills

Question: The stimulating learning environment at home can be created by providing

Answer: Magazines, story books, toys, manipulatives and rich interaction

Question: What is important for families to know if they want to support their learning in FLN?

Answer: Learning outcomes for every stage

Question: Parents can sing along with their children (to promote Foundational Literacy) and  encourage them to identify the

Answer: Rhyming words in a poem/song

Question: During a PTM, when the teacher talks about the child’s holding the book upside down, the teacher is talking  to parents about a child’s progress in

Answer: Book handling and foundational literacy

Question: Asking parents/community to collect and bring in ‘trashables’ and recycled materials will help to

Answer: Create relevant, safe, creative toys/games for FLN activities

Question: How can the parents/guardians be assisted in providing home schooling to children with disabilities? 

Answer: Resource centres working in conjunction with special educators for home schooling

Question: Communities and parents should be made aware of the learning levels of children to 

Answer: Achieve better learning outcomes

Question: Which of the following is correct for motivating children towards Foundational Literacy at home?

Answer: Shared reading

Question: There are many ways to develop stronger bond between schools and families. Which of the following is most required for this purpose?

Answer: There is a continuous communication between both on all the aspects of children’s learning and development

Question: Attending PTMs regularly helps parents to know about children’s progress in 

Answer: In all developmental  areas

Question: Why is support from parents required at the foundational stage for enhancing FLN skills?

Answer: Support from home is crucial as children spend out of school time at home 

Question: Parents' involvement is critical at the foundational stage and it comprises of children in the age group of  

Answer: 3 to 8 years

Question: Providing developmentally appropriate toys/games to children at the foundational stage gives them chances to practice new skills in

Answer: Movement, creativity, thinking and interaction

Question: Parents can create print and numeracy rich environment by labeling different parts of the house like 

Answer: Room, kitchen, school bag, toilet, door, etc.

Question: Parents individually or as a group can set up appropriate activities contextual to a 

Answer: Child's surroundings and experiences

Question: Which of the following is a reason for low response of parents and community in FLN?

Answer: Lack of communication skills and methods on both the sides

Question: Regular sustained communication with parents and motivating them is important to 

Answer: Involve parents and families for FLN

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