Nishtha 2.0 Module 1: Curriculum and Inclusive Classroom Quiz Answer Key - (40 Questions)


Today in this article, you will get 40 answers of the assessment quizzes of Nishtha 2.0 Module 1: Curriculum and Inclusive Classroom. Also, stay with us and do subscribe our YouTube Channel Educative Masud in order to get answers to all the assessment quizzes because I'm going to provide you answers to each and every assessment quiz as and when they are available in diksha module.

Nishtha Module 1 Answers

Question: Hidden curriculum –

Answer: May not be part of formal course of study

Question: UDL works best with:

Answer: Diverse Group of Students

Question: Learning Outcomes helps teachers to–
i) go beyond textbooks
ii) plan lessons as per the textbook content
iii) address the needs of all children
iv) use multiple pedagogies in the classroom
Which of the options support the above statement-?

Answer: i, iii and iv

Question: School Curriculum selects its content from our-

Answer: Culture

Question: Effectiveness of school curriculum is determined by-

Answer: Students’ learning outcomes

Question: Components of Curriculum do not include-

Answer: Recruitment and Transfer of Teachers 

Question: Universal Design of Learning does not require to

Answer: Adapt or design learning especially for children with specific learning needs.

Question: If a state adopts textbooks developed by the NCERT, then teachers of this state need to focus on-

Answer: Contextualisation of various concepts as per the need of the children in the state

Question: In the process of curriculum development, syllabus is placed in between-

Answer: NCF and Textbooks

Question: Including children belonging to socially disadvantaged groups (SDGs) will be beneficial for

Answer: Uniform

Question: Which of the following is not important for creation of Inclusive classroom:

Answer: Location of the school

Question: The arrangement of the element of Curriculum is known as?

Answer: Curriculum design

Question: Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act was enacted and came into force  in the year;

Answer: Enacted in the year 2009 and came into force  from April 2010

Question: School Curriculum reflects culture of-

Answer: Society

Question: A syllabus –

Answer: is developed after developing all the textbooks  

Question: Inclusive education 

Answer: Celebrates diversity in the classroom

Question: Inclusive education is a system of teaching and learning is suitably adapted to meet the learning needs of…………

Answer: children with and without disabilities

Question: Two children having the same disability 

Answer: May require different interventions by the teacher in the classroom

Question: An outline of the themes or topics to be included in a subject for specific class to be covered in the stipulated time is called-

Answer: Syllabus

Question: Which of the following is not a component of the curriculum-?

Answer: Design

Question: Which  of the following is not a guiding principle of NCF 2005

Answer: Curriculum is text book centric

Question: To communicate with others, alternative communication system helps

Answer: Children with or without disability.

Question: Major concern of school curriculum is 

Answer: Holistic Development of Children

Question: Universal Design of Learning (UDL) is designed to meet:

Answer: The needs of all students

Question: Inclusive education is based on the principle of : 

Answer: World brotherhood 

Question: Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act provides that every child shall have the right to free and compulsory education in a neighbourhood school:

Answer: between the age of 6-14 years and till completion of elementary education

Question: Features of good textbooks are:

Answer: They should contain more pictures and less text

Question: Which of the following would be most useful for orientation and mobility training for a student with visual disability?

Answer: Tactile maps of the school building

Question: Learning Outcomes articulates  

Answer: The developed knowledge, skills, personal-social qualities and attitudes of learners after a scheduled course of teaching learning activities.

Question: Which of the following statements is NOT true for National Curriculum Framework (NCF)?

Answer: NCF does not have implications for higher education

Question: The National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020) proposes Inclusion Fund for children belonging to different- 

Answer: Gender identities

Question: The second National Policy on Education in India was formulated in:

Answer: 1986

Question: The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 (RPWD Act 2016 ) defines Inclusive Education as a system of education wherein students with and without disability:

Answer: Learn together and the system of teaching and learning is suitably adapted.

Question: Which of the following statements is not true for National Curriculum Framework (NCF) :

Answer: NCF do not have linkage with National level educational policies. 

Question: The first and second National Policies on Education in India were formulated in the years:

Answer: 1968 and  1986

Question: The  NEP 2020 proposes to change existing design of school education from 10+2 to:

Answer: 5+3+3+4.

Question: If a student asks a question in the classroom, then it would be beneficial to

Answer: Answer the question & encourage asking more questions.

Question: Which  of the following statements is not valid  for Curriculum

Answer: It provides the vision for education at various levels in India 

Question: Teaching students belonging to disadvantaged sections of society in neighbourhood schools with appropriate support, is known as -

Answer: Inclusive education

Question: The real aim of assessment is to —

Answer: Identify the lacuna in learning and provide required support

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