Nishtha 2.0 Module 10: School Based Assessment Quiz Answer Key (2021) - PART 2 (20 Questions)

Today in this article, you will get another 20 answers of the assessment quizzes of Nishtha 2.0 Module 10: School Based Assessment. Also, stay with us and do subscribe our YouTube Channel Educative Masud in order to get answers to all the assessment quizzes because I'm going to provide you answers to each and every assessment quiz as and when they are available in diksha module.

Nishtha Module 10 Answers

Question: According to the recommendation of the National Education Policy 2020, the pattern of the Board examination will shift to: 
Answer: Competency-based Questions.

Question: In assessment for learning, self-assessment and peer assessment are important because this will lead to:
Answer: Augment learning with self-feedback.

Question: Assessment in education does NOT include:
Answer: Developing learning outcomes.

Question: Which one of the following statements regarding rubric is correct?
Answer: Teachers and students must jointly construct the rubrics.

Question: The very purpose of introducing School Based Assessment is to:
Answer: Ensure 360-degree multidimensional development of all the children.

Question: Performance based assessment can be best achieved through:
Answer: rubrics

Question: Which one of the following is an important feature of self-assessment?
Answer: Students have understanding about their own learning.

Question: School Based Assessment is primarily based on the principle of:
Answer: Teachers in the school know their learner’s capabilities better than external examiners.

Question: Which statement is NOT correct about Performance-based assessment that— it taps into students’ higher-order thinking skills?
Answer: reproducing knowledge-based information

Question: What is a standard of performance for a defined domain termed as?
Answer: rubrics

Question: Which one of the following rubrics will be used wherein we provide feedback on proficiency rather than assigning grades to different parameters?
Answer: Single frame only

Question: In the continuum of assessment, which one of the following is more inclined towards students leading the assessment?
Answer: Self-assessment

Question: Learning outcomes concerned with the abilities to conceptualise, construct, organise, integrate, relate, and evaluate ideas can be measured using
Answer: Rubrics

Question: Which one of the following is an incorrect description of School Based Assessment?
Answer: It covers only co-scholastic aspects.

Question: Which type of question is difficult to mark with reliability?
Answer: Unstructured essays

Question: The primary aim of laboratory learning for students is to develop:
Answer: Practical competence

Question: Which of the statements is NOT correct in the context of Transversal Competencies?
Answer: Teaching Transversal Competencies at the secondary stage yields maximum results.

Question: While shifting focus of continuum of assessment from teacher led assessment to student led assessment, there is need to:
Answer: shift from large scale standardized testing to school-based assessment.

Question: Which one of the following is an important feature of Performance Based Assessment?
Answer: This is used for students’ demonstration of their knowledge, skills, and strategies.

Question: Which one of the following activities is NOT associated with portfolio assessment?
Answer: Portfolio is to be submitted to the Board of Assessment for grading.

That's all. Thank You Visit Again


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