Nishtha 2.0 Module 10: School Based Assessment Quiz Answer Key (2021) - PART 1 (20 Questions)

Today in this article, you will get 20 answers of the assessment quizzes of Nishtha 2.0 Module 10: School Based Assessment. Also, stay with us and do subscribe our YouTube Channel Educative Masud in order to get answers to all the assessment quizzes because I'm going to provide you answers to each and every assessment quiz as and when they are available in diksha module.

Nishtha Module 10 Answers

Question: The following are the abilities placed under the category of complex achievement except:
Answer: Recalling and Understanding

Question: Statement I: Observation is an important technique and observation schedule is an important tool for assessing students.
Statement II: Observation helps us go beyond the idea of normative developmental expectations and outcomes measures and enables us to really see, and celebrate, students as individuals.
Answer: Both Statement I and Statement II are true, and Statement II is the correct explanation of the Statement I

Question: Statement I: Using case-studies method, teachers aim to develop student reasoning, problem-solving and decision-making skills.
Statement II: Case studies give students opportunities to engage with current issues in a field, making their learning clearly relevant to real-world situations.
Answer: Both Statement I and Statement II are true, and Statement II is the correct explanation of Statement I.

Question: What is the main advantage of essay-type questions?
Answer: They can measure complex learning outcomes that cannot be measured with other types of questions.

Question: What should an assessment be based on to be holistic and free from biases?
Answer: Multiple evidences

Question: Which one of the following is NOT a tool for self-assessment?
Answer: Class Test

Question: Which one of the statements best defines the process of assessment? 
Answer: Systematically gathering information about the academic changes in children.

Question: Transversal Competencies relate to a certain set of:
Answer: knowledge, skills and attitudes

Question: Given below are four statements about the Salient features of School Based Assessment (SBA).
i. Integrate teaching learning and assessment.
ii. load on teachers of documentation- recording, reporting.
iii. Focus on content memorization rather than competency development. 
iv. Non-threatening, stress-free and enhanced participation/ interaction. 
Which of the following combinations is true?
Answer: i and iv

Question: Which one is NOT a parameter of Rubric?
Answer: Multiple choice questions

Question: Which one is the most convenient method of online assessment at the secondary stage?
Answer: MCQ

Question: Whom are students assessing when they are engaged in peer-assessment?
Answer: Another student

Question: There is need to develop Core Transversal Competencies for Development at the Secondary Stage in the domain areas of:
Answer: all curricular areas

Question: Statement I: A rubric is a comprehensive set of criteria used to assess students on a specific task.
Statement II: It is developed and provided by the Board of Assessment, is non- participatory and both teacher and the students have no role to play.
Answer: Statement I is true, but Statement II is false. 

Question: Which one of the following is a form of student self-assessment?
Answer: A set of questions about their progress that students answer.

Question: At the secondary stage, you may like to adopt case study as assessment strategy because:
Answer: It engages students in research and reflective discussion.

Question: What is a kind of assessment task where students reflect on their own performance?
Answer: Self- assessment

Question: Which of the following is NOT a common approach of incorporating Transversal Competencies in the school curriculum?
Answer: Designing and teaching Transversal Competencies as a specialised subject

Question: Inclusion of the technology in the teaching learning and assessment process helps students 
Answer: multiple pathways to learn from multidimensional and to assess work at any time.

Question: Learning outcomes prescribe:
Answer: What students are expected to demonstrate they have learned.

That's all. Thank You Visit Again


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